Until we can get Margo set up to post a blog I am still posting for her. She wrote these at 4:00 AM today:
Well the day has arrived. I think some of the symptom's have finally caught up with me. I feel really, really tired and felt like I could take a nap and actually go to sleep yesterday. I went to bed at 10:30 pm last night. I was up at 4:00 am so sleep time is about the same.I just wanted my precious family to know how much I love you. You are all amazing, loving, compassionate, talented, beautiful people you "rock my world". I know this is hard on all of us, but I have complete faith in my Heavenly Father and in my savior Jesus Christ. We will all get through this and be stronger, more faithful, more compassionate and better all around for the experience. It is so funny when we were sitting around at Thanksgiving and I said that I was just waiting for something to happen because we had it to good. I guess I had an inkling about what was coming up. When I look back over the last few months, I can see Heavenly Father's loving hand to make sure I was taken care of, to make sure I had sweet daughters near to help with getting me to appointments, making meals, go wig shopping etc. to make sure I was surrounded by family and love before I start this journey.You are my life. I have loved every minute I have spent with each of you. You have brought me such joy, I am proud of all you are doing, I am proud of all your righteous efforts and even your not so righteous efforts. I love being a mom! IT is the greatest job, blessing in the world. I know those of you who are a way are sad that you can't be here to help or whatever. But rest assured those that are near are doing a great job taking care of me. Your dad has been wonderful, compassionate, tender and I can't stand to be a way from him for very long. He is spoiling me rotten! Not sure what that means at my age.I found this card yesterday and was going to give to Jessica for her birthday but I will share it with you because it is how I feel about each of you. "Before I held you in my arms, I held you in my heart. That is where you began and where you will always be."So my sweet little family, onward to the fight. I am armed with a loving family, a righteous faithful husband who has and honors the priesthood, several beautiful priesthood blessings, your faith, prayers and love. What more do I need. Go, fight, win!All my love forever,Mom